Wednesday 29 February 2012

John Myers - Guest lecture

Middle England 

Myers’ approach is documentary in style, reflecting the taste, self-perceptions and aspirations of the people he photographed. Thus we observe them in their sitting rooms and bedrooms, or in their leisure or work spaces, surrounded by the telling paraphernalia of their daily lives. They pose with deliberate stances and gestures, responding to the sense of occasion engendered by Myers’ use of a Gandolfi plate camera set on a tripod with a dark viewing cloth. As well as domestic interiors, occupied particularly by couples and women, we see the studio where a young girl attends ballet classes, the back yard where a boy plays football and a club where two men play snooker.

Myers chose to photograph people who lived within walking distance of his own home, and so he recorded the world as he knew it. A kind of natural history unfolds through Middle England, with its depictions of human life and habitats, significantly as the portraits are shown alongside an exceptional image of a giraffe in a zoo enclosure. This juxtaposition reminds us of the fact that we are shaped by our built environments, as much as we shape them.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Extreme shoot - Digital test shoot

Guest lecture - Jade Birchnall

Our guest lecture today was by Jade Birchnall who was a former student here at Burton College and is now at Manchester university studying photography.

Jade talked about a project she had been doing about her grandmother who had senile dementia and wanted to explore this further and wanted to take some really personal portraits.
I really felt I could relate to her on this project as I have recently done something similar with my father and the Beer town boy book.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Guest Lecture - Jill Cole

Today we had a guest lecture from Jill Cole, who is currently working on a project within the national forest and she showed us her set of 10 images that she has nearly finished for Photo Canopy.

Friday 6 January 2012

Child beauty pageants - Extreme beauty?

To me these pageants are extreme beauty and extreme obsession with perfection.

Also in the media recently there has been cases of parents injecting their children with botox and also buying their children plastic surgery vouchers. what is this teaching our children in this day and age?

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Past Winners - 2011

Danielle Tunstall

Danielle Tunstall has long been a inspiration to me and her work is perfectly extreme in so many ways.

Extreme word cloud

Extreme -


More to come?

What does Extreme mean?

FujiFilm Student Awards 2012 - Extreme

Our Wednesday brief is to enter the FujiFilm student awards 2012. This years theme is "Extreme" which could encompass a whole meaning of things and will be very challenging to see how different people interpret the theme.
I have a few idea's as I had already looked at the brief a few months back as I was planning on entering it myself.

My main idea is "Extreme fashion" maybe using fetish wear?

Christian Louboutin Ballerina Pumps